Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Any good tutorials on how to start visual basic programming?

Next semester, I'm taking visual basic as a business class. But, I have no idea or hint how to program. Wheres a best place to start? I have books but they seem to be at first obvious and then confusing. I'm lost! What if I go to class not knowing at all what there talking about? Please help!Any good tutorials on how to start visual basic programming?
book :

';Database programming using Visual Basic 2005';

this site is good for beginners


Any good tutorials on how to start visual basic programming?
It won't get you there totally, but one thing that really helped me learn it was to use it wit Office.

In any of the Office programs (Excel is best for this) record a macro. Do a bunch of things, but start with one or two things at a time like highlighting a cell and then stop the recording. The macro recorder will record your steps in VBA.

It's not a tutorial, but it's pretty cool.

First thing is to plan out what you want your program to do then add the components you want a button or a combobox.

Tutorial from microsoft

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