Friday, January 8, 2010

Programing Tutorials or Software?

I'm looking for any tutorials or software I can buy online to learn pc programing. Dont have money for school yet so learning by myself but wanted to know any programs I can buy that would help me learn pc programing. C++ Java etc.Programing Tutorials or Software?
I would look up the textbooks required for a local college and buy the books, but teach yourself the same material.

Diane Zak is the author of several programming textbooks and they are wonderful for beginners because she leaves nothing unexplained and will make learning C++ extremely easy for you.

Yes you can look up source codes and similar information on the internet, but to me a book gives you more depth about everything you're learning and tells you the meaning behind things like ';include %26lt;iostream%26gt;'; instead of you just knowing it belongs somewhere because it was in the sample source code you found. In the end you'll actually understand what you're doing and why you're doing it which will make you a better programmer.Programing Tutorials or Software?

The following are all FREE and will help get you started in the first place.

For web development;

For C/C++;

where you will find lots of help.

You can also download the Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition;鈥?/a>

but be warned - it takes an hour or so to get installed!!!

Threre's a great HTML etc development editor at;

Hope this helps.

Honestly, you DON'T need to buy anything, all of the info available to you in books/pay tutorials is available in a developer community or similar.
nfortunately, the answer is probably no, even if you have worked through all of the Software Design in C++ web pages! This is partly because there is so much to learn.
If you want a great tutorial on basic Java, thier is a website/pdf out called JavaNotes, I highly recommend looking through this especially if your a beginner.
you can go to and search for programming language.

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