Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Where can I find the best video game programing tutorials?

I want to be able to program and design a video game, but I don't know where to start. My hopes rely on those who have experience to provide me with a genuine start.Websites, please.Where can I find the best video game programing tutorials?
Well, here are some tools that are professional and provide the tools and resources for free.

Read about XNA:


Download C# Express and XNA:


Learn using the video tutorials and the starter kits*:

[starter kits]:




The tutorials link takes you through a series of videos that shows you how you can develop either a 2d or 3d game.

I have some good experience with game development, if you have any questions send them over and I'll go ahead and help you out as much as I can.

Hope this helps,

Abdurrahman Qadan

*a starter kit is a fully developed application that a developer can use to learn from. In this case, it's a game. So, download some starter kits which are fully functional games that you will have the full access to the code and development graphics.

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