Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Where can I get some downloadable c programming tutorials (Video).?

See I am 12 years old and I like too learn with computers I have been building them for 2 years now with my uncle and now I would like too learn c programming I have learne some basic stuff and have made basic addition and dividion calculators but I would like to take it from there and learn more so if anyone has some C tutorials plaease send me a link or something...


-JH-Where can I get some downloadable c programming tutorials (Video).?
I don't expect to get top answer for this especially since I am going off-topic slightly, but have you looked into coding in Python as opposed to C?

There are a slew of free tutorials for coding in Python, and the language itself is free, open, and very powerful.

http://docs.python.org/tutorial/Where can I get some downloadable c programming tutorials (Video).?
If you need some cheap books


This was my first C book.


I believe Kernighan and Ritchie created C.


This looks like a good book to start with


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